Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not Any Better

I hospitalized Oliver today. He was doing better. Bugging me to feed him and play with him and whatnot. I had pretty much decided that he just ate something the other night and that was why he was acting to poorly.

But then he did not eat his food last night. I woke up to find him lethargic again. I immediately put him in the carrier and rushed him to the vet. They knew that there was something immediately wrong with him because he pretty much let them do whatever they wanted to him.

Normally my baby is a fighter! He bites and twists and lets you know he hates the Vet. He did not even cry. They said he appeared to be slightly dehydrated. They said that they were going to run some tests and immediately put him on an IV for fluids and antibiotics.

I had called into work as soon as I got the the Vet's office. I had originally asked for the whole day off from work, but then after they hospitalized Oliver I realized there was no reason not to just go in. I called and asked my bosses if I could just change my shift or take 2 hours off. They agreed to let me change my shift and I was stuck working the same shift as Joe.

When I arrived at work, Joe was standing across from my desk talking to one of our co-workers. He made a comment that I showed to be taking the day off on the schedule. I responded that I know and he coolly responded, "Okay then," and went back to speaking to our co-worker.

I spent the day crying off and on. I was so distraught over Oliver and then having to try to deal with Joe and that bullshit I was feeling overwhelmed. And of course people knew I was upset. You can't exactly hide the tears and nose blowing and non-speaking.

My bosses were understanding and gave me a task that required very little human interaction. Of course, I still managed to get in trouble and have an even worse day. Some fucking higher up manager reported me as being loud when I went to talk to some clerks about a business matter. I was floored. We don't work in a fucking library. I thought the whole thing was bullshit and wanted to just beat the shit out of somebody. Instead I just stopped working on the project that they gave me and went back to answering the phone. I had to speak with Joe twice about something work related, but I couldn't even look him in the eye.

Right before the Vet closed I called to check on Oliver. He still had not eaten, but was resting comfortably and responding well to the IV fluids and antibiotics. That little bit of knowledge helped relieve some of my anxiety and I was able to have a regular conversation with one of my co-workers.

About 5 minutes before my shift was to end, I left work. The thought of walking to the car with Joe was just not something I could handle. I saw Joe watching me from the window when I was pulling out of the parking lot. I'm not sure if our co-worker said something to him about my leaving early or not. And I really don't care.

Now I'm home and I miss Oliver terribly. There was no fuzzy butt greeting me at the door and no one to cuddle with on the sofa or in bed. I am hoping that whatever is wrong with him is easily fixed. I'm not ready to lose my boy just yet.


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