Friday, December 26, 2008

Feeling Better...

I cannot believe how much better I feel since I sent my email this morning to Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend). I have not heard from him yet, so I have no idea if he even read my email yet. But because I can't seem to let anything go, I sent him ANOTHER email. This time is was titled Better.

I am not sure how my last email was received. I do not know if I managed to piss you off again, or if I was able to explain how I felt in a way you could understand. But I wanted to let you know, that after I sent that email I felt SOOOO much better. The ache is gone and I am no longer teary eyed (I did not shed one tear until I got to the touchy feely stuff at the end, but they were good tears). I was even able to laugh my ass off today talking to K-man about his crazy holiday experience.

As you know, I am much better at expressing myself in the written form. I think that is why I have like 5 freaking blogs. But anyway, in typing out that NOVEL of an email I was able to realize what was really bothering me. I got it out, and now I feel better.

But anyway, I hope you took my previous email as I meant it to be. Just a way to express how I was feeling. And maybe now with everything out on the table, we will get past all this drama and get back to making fun of others and arguing over the dumb shit we always do!

Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) comes into work around 11pm. I will gauge his reaction then.


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