Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Sometimes Joe (a.k.a. boyfriend) is just an asshole. He can't help it. Well, maybe he can and just chooses not to. Don't get me wrong. I love my gay friend. But there are times when his behavior is beyond annoying and passes into the asshole zone.

I'm not perfect. I don't claim to be. Hell, I got more flaws then any one person can count. One of my worst flaws is my inability to share. What's mine is mine. Maybe it stems from being an only child most of my life. Who knows? But I would much rather just give something away then share it. Like it is spoiled or something when someone else has touched it.

Anyway, "The Boy" made an observation to Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) one night about how attached I seem to be to Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) . I guess I am pretty territorial. But it doesn't mean I don't want Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) to find a mate. I just prefer he make me a priority. Hey, I was here before "The Boy" even if I don't have a penis!

Last night was the premiere of 6 new episodes of Dateline's "To Catch A Predator". We (me and everyone I have gotten addcited to the show) have been waiting for months to see these new episodes. I was beyond giddy when I found out they would begin airing last night. I called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) about 15 minutes before it was to be on and attempted to wake him up. He fell back asleep and missed the next 5 or so phone calls I left on his machine.

When he finally came out of his self induced coma, he attempted to call me but I missed his call. He then immediately called "The Boy" and eventually spoke to me online. I informed him that he stood me up and he claimed he didn't cause we never had a date. Like I said, ever since "The Boy" has come into the picture I have to make appointments to do anything with Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend).

I was bugging Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) to listen to the crazy messages I had left on his machine while I watched the show. After much pushing, he finally did. Of course so did "The Boy". Unbeknownst to me, they were talking to each other on the phone at the same time Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) was chatting online with me.

When Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) finally got to work (he works the overnight shift) he called me. I told him I was mad that he stood me up and we continued to sort of play argue over the entire incident. I asked him if he ever listened to my messages on his machine and he admitted that he did, as did "The Boy". Then he proceded to tell me that "The Boy" said I sounded like a crazy black ghetto woman. That pissed me off.

When I told Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) that I didn't sound like a crazy black ghetto woman, he proceded to take "The Boy's" side and confirmed that I did. I then told him that "The Boy" doesn't know me well enough to make fun of me. He needs to get to know me before he takes such liberties. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) just laughed at me and continued to take "The Boy's" side. I finally got off the phone with Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) as soon as the opportunity arose. Normally I play around alittle before finally getting off the phone with him, but I was too mad to play.

Of course, Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) probably finds my behavior childish and petty. And maybe you agree with him. But let me explain where I'm coming from. I know next to nothing about "The Boy". Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) has been very private in regards to thier relationship. I know his name and where he works. I know a few other simple statistical facts about him. But I don't know his screen name. I have seen his picture only once after they were speaking to one another for two weeks. I honestly don't remember what he looks like. I have never heard his voice. I have no idea what they talk about for hours at a time. And because Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) prefers it that way, I don't really push him about it.

And while Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) is very protective about thier relationship, he has no problem blabbing to "The Boy" about ours. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) has explained several of our private jokes to "The Boy" . He knows about the song I sing to Joe's (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) habitual whistle tune. He knows about certain phrases that we share. Now that "The Boy" has listened to my phone messages, he seems to feel comfortable enough to make fun of me? And Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) seems to think that this is okay?

I had no problem with Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) sharing these tid bits with "The Boy" until now. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) has earned the right to make fun of me, "The Boy" hasn't. And it seems to me that since he has some personal information about me he takes that as some misguided familiarity he has not actually earned. Maybe I am being over senistive. But I don't think so.

Joe (a.k.a gay boyfriend) explained that he has limited my knowledge of "The Boy" because he doesn't want any outside influences to sway their relationship. I can respect that. But while he is protecting this new relationship doesn't mean I am gonna stand by and allow him to abuse ours.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Would You Like To Buy...

It's that time of year again. You know when the girl scouts come out of the woodwork and start peddling their damn cookies? Luckily they are only available once a year. Unlike Little Debbie which is available everywhere at any time and is much cheaper. The bitch!

So anyway, I buy a few boxes (or ten) every year. Use the excuse that I am a huge supporter of the girl scouts and not that I have a weakness for thin mints or short breads. Unfortunately each year the portions get smaller and the price keeps increasing. At this rate I will need to take out a loan to buy a box before too long. I mean hell, doesn't anyone remember when you could buy a girl scout for $2? Now for $3.50 you are lucky to get a taste of one of their stupid ass cookies.

Okay so I am exaggerating, but not by much. I wonder what would happen if we all boycotted them one year in response to thier ridiculous prices? Would we bankrupt the organization? Would the girl scouts be forced out on the streets hookin for badges? I am sure there are some perverts out there that just love that ugly green uniform.

We will never know though. Cause like Little Debbie (the bitch) them damn cookies hold some addictive agent that makes it impossible to say NO. I think they should be investigated. Maybe even sued like big tobacco or Mc Donald's. At the very least contain warning labels that say, "Careful, can cause fat asses, cottage cheese thighs and other various jiggly body parts."

Until then we are forced to police ourselves from going over board. Try to gather the will power to resist. A true test of strength I tell ya. I just don't have the ability to say NO. And I have the jiggly body parts to prove it!

Monday, January 29, 2007


About 2 years ago I had a co-worker try to get me fired. It happened after I tried to help her out. You know in my last post I talked about messy people. Well, this is one of those situations where I ended up being the messy one. This co-worker wanted me to find out what was being said about her by other people. She seemed so upset and hurt so I went against my nature and agreed to help her. Boy did it EVER backfire in my face. She took the information I gave her and confronted the people she suspected having said it. They immediately put 2 and 2 together and I was caught in the middle of something I should've never agreed to be a part of.

Then the co-worker I tried to help out turned against me. She threatened to have me fired for harrassment by way of spreading malacious rumors about her. I was floored. I told her to FUCK OFF and never speak to me again. This of course was after she kept sending me little company instant messages threatening me. I finally had enough. I replied in the same company instant message. Completely stupid and got me in trouble.

The day that all this happened, you know the confrontation with the co-workers and the threats to me by the person I tried to help, I left work half a day in tears. I was sooo distraught. Well, unfortunately after I left, the bitch printed out my instant message to her and turned me in for sexual harrassment to our human resources department. I came into work the next day to find that they removed the instant message software from my PC and a notification from my boss about the harrassment investigation. If that wasn't instant Karma, I don't know what is.

About a year later, that same lady was fired from the company. She stopped coming to work. It was rumored that she got involved in drugs and Lord knows what else. She had gained a lot of weight and had managed to piss off several of her co-workers because of her manipulations and lies. I like to think Karma got back at her too for trying to get me fired. Although I don't wish anyone to lose their jobs, I don't feel bad for her.

I never heard what happened with the harassment investigation. I can only assume they found the accussation unfounded and my response provoked by her numerous threats. It has been over 3 years since this incident occurred and as you know I have my access back to the company instant messenger. That bitch is long gone and I learned to never go against my nature again.

I believe Karma worked again with regards to Ghetto Queen. About a week before Christmas she was walked out/fired from work. The reasoning was her attendance record. So far she has not returned. I hear she is fighting the company with the union to get her job back but so far she has not won. I can't help but think Karma is paying her back for her behavior. She stole from us and abused the attendance policy. I never wished for her to be fired, but again I don't feel bad about it either.

Karma really works people. I have seen it first hand. And I think that if more people really thought about the consequences of their actions, I mean you know the ones that happen way down the line, then maybe they would behave differently. Then again the human race is not the most intelligent species. Just look at all the reality TV shows we have. Utter morons!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

True Colors

My department does this thing every year called Secret Pal. It originated with this one particular group that brought it over with them when we merged groups over 3 years ago.

Anyway, the purpose of the Secret Pal is to help employee relations and have us get to know each other better. Basically we draw names and buy that person gifts throughout the year (at least 3 times). Then there is a big reveal at the end with a little party or whatever. It is all voluntary, of course, and can be alot of fun. Unfortunately, that is not always the case.

On Wednesday, January 24th, we had the reveal for the 2006 Secret Pal. I was extremely curious as to who my Secret Pal was since I hadn't received one gift all year. I seriously thought my Secret Pal either retired or transferred out of the department. We had alot of retirees in the beginning of the year and I know the last thing on their minds would be our Secret Pal thing.

I was off work on Wednesday, so I didn't get to attend the reveal party. When I returned to work on Thursday, I found a card on my desk. Inside was $45 with a note stating to enjoy from my Secret Pal. Since they didn't leave thier name on the card, I asked my co-workers in my specific crew if they knew who my Secret Pal was. Turns out it was Hoochie Mama. So I sent the following instant message to her:

Camlaw (09:55:15): Thanks for the card....secret pal
Hoochie Mama (09:55:26): u r welcome
Camlaw (09:55:45): You did not sign your name so I had to ask
Hoochie Mama (09:56:08): i know...and i did that on purpose
Camlaw (09:56:26): You just wanted me to investigate huh?
Hoochie Mama (09:57:25): i just figure i'll leave it a secret...i still
have a bad taste in my mouth over that mess u & joe started....
Camlaw (10:02:08): I figured you did. But if it will make you feel
better, the mess did not originate with us. It orignated with Ghetto Queen. And I
have always treated you with respect and courtesy. The entire ordeal was
a bad situation and as I have been told it is best to forgive & move on
then to hold a grudge. And I am trying my best to forgive Ghetto Queen.
Hoochie Mama (10:08:43): and Ghetto Queen is where it should've stopped..people
need 2 learn when they are fed info...don't spread it around..and how &
why my name kept coming up is what was pissing me off. i had NOTHING to
do w/that entire situation but everytime i turned around Hoochie Mama
was coming up in it and i heard u & joe kept stirring the pot
so.................but it done and over with. at the beginning i
honestly forgot about the secret pal thing and that's why u weren't
receiving anything. i was informed afterwards that u were complaining u
wasn't getting anything and that was after all that happened & u know me
and how i am. this is a new year & i'm trying 2 work on me. I didn't
know yesterday was the reveal until they came and told me. i didn't have
time 2 go out and get u anything so that's why i gave u cash and i
figured u could use that better than a gift anyway. i'm sorry for being
a sh**** secret pal and yesterday i sat and thought about it for a while
and realized 1 thing has nothing 2 do with another. i signed up 2 do
something and i fell short in doing that. so i'm sorry
Camlaw (10:17:58): That is fine. I really thought my secret pal had
either retired or transferred out. Cause you know so many people did
retire last year and managers were moved around. JC (the lady that
sits next to me) also was not receiving anything. And hers changed in
the middle due to the person transferring out. I do not do the secret
pal for the gifts, but I was really curious if mine was still here. And
the really funny thing is last time I participated I had you and this
time I have Mo-Mo. Just can't get away from ya'll.
Hoochie Mama (10:20:08): i said i wasn't doing it again so maybe u will
get somebody different nxt go round
Camlaw (10:20:37): Maybe. I just hope it will be more organized.
Hoochie Mama (10:21:05): and again i'm sorry
Camlaw (10:22:10): No problem. I accept your apology.....

Ain't that some shit? I mean that really shows what kind of person Hoochie Mama really is. If I had drawn Ghetto Queen's name in the Secret Pal ordeal, I would have still bought her gifts no matter what had happened before. I really liked Ghetto Queen until she pulled this mess on us. I guess that is one of the reasons why I took the act so hard. Betrayal from a friend.

Anyway, my cousins had warned me about Hoochie Mama. They used to work with her years ago in another department. They had a falling out with her also over some mess too. It also had something to do with a he said she said scenario. Basically Hoochie Mama is what people call messy. She likes to be in the know of any and all gossip. And she is one to spread any gossip she knows or hears too. Which is a very troublesome combination.

You know when I was in college, I learned about the caliber of people I wanted to surround myself with. It was one of the first life lessons I learned during my college years. Anyway, Hoochie Mama has proven to be someone I don't care to be anything more than an acquaintance with. I mean how petty and immature is she?

Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and I are true believers in Karma. What goes around definitely comes back around. I have seen it. And I know that behavior of Hoochie Mama's is just destined to get back to her. Karma wouldn't have it any other way!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Has It Been That Long?

Hello my long lost friends. I did not realize it has been so long since I last posted on here. SOOOOO much has happened since my last entry. Where to begin?

In August I worked a shit load of overtime. One area was severely flooded in my state which increased our work load 10 fold. It was pretty good money but beyond exhausting.

In September I became obsessed with a Dateline series called "To Catch A Predator". For those of you that have not seen it, the show is about sting operations set around the country to catch perverted men trying to solicit sex from minors over the internet. You can watch previously aired episodes on the Dateline website. I highly recommend it.

October was pretty boring from what I remember. But if I remember something significant I'll be sure to post it.

November and December were busy with the holidays. Of course I worked all of them, but managed to find time on Christmas Eve to spend a little time with my family. Homophobic narrow-minded person got a girlfriend in mid November. By Christmas, they had professional portraits made. They had not even been together six weeks! They spent both Thanksgiving & Christmas with each others families. Hell, at this rate, they'll be married by Valentine's Day! Can you say moving too fast? When I mentioned that to homophobic narrow-minded person, he accused me of being jealous of him being in a relationship. WHATEVER!

Which brings us to January. I guess not much has happened since my last post afterall.

Anyway, Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) met someone a couple of weeks ago on the internet. We refer to him as "The Boy". They have not met in person yet, but now I have to schedule any phone time, internet time or any other kind of time at all around when Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and "The Boy" are talking to one another. I have bitched to high heaven about it, but as Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) has explained I "don't have a dick so then (I) don't take priority." Now we know why I always sing "Dirty Stinky Hoe Named Joe" to him when he whistles this repeative tune! The butthead!

Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) even had the nerve to tell me that we needed to find me a man now. Why is it that when your friends hook up, all of a sudden you need to be hooked up too? I mean while they were single, you ass being single was cool too. Damn hypocrits!

And just when you thought the nightmare from last year was over, the damn case of the stolen money rears its ugly head again. But that will take a WHOLE other entry to talk about. Just don't let me forget.

Well, I guess that is all in a nut shell. I hate that it has been soo long since my last entry. I will be getting back on track from now on. Cause you know I gots to voice my aggravation and opinions somewhere. Dammit!

Until next time!