Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Would You Like To Buy...

It's that time of year again. You know when the girl scouts come out of the woodwork and start peddling their damn cookies? Luckily they are only available once a year. Unlike Little Debbie which is available everywhere at any time and is much cheaper. The bitch!

So anyway, I buy a few boxes (or ten) every year. Use the excuse that I am a huge supporter of the girl scouts and not that I have a weakness for thin mints or short breads. Unfortunately each year the portions get smaller and the price keeps increasing. At this rate I will need to take out a loan to buy a box before too long. I mean hell, doesn't anyone remember when you could buy a girl scout for $2? Now for $3.50 you are lucky to get a taste of one of their stupid ass cookies.

Okay so I am exaggerating, but not by much. I wonder what would happen if we all boycotted them one year in response to thier ridiculous prices? Would we bankrupt the organization? Would the girl scouts be forced out on the streets hookin for badges? I am sure there are some perverts out there that just love that ugly green uniform.

We will never know though. Cause like Little Debbie (the bitch) them damn cookies hold some addictive agent that makes it impossible to say NO. I think they should be investigated. Maybe even sued like big tobacco or Mc Donald's. At the very least contain warning labels that say, "Careful, can cause fat asses, cottage cheese thighs and other various jiggly body parts."

Until then we are forced to police ourselves from going over board. Try to gather the will power to resist. A true test of strength I tell ya. I just don't have the ability to say NO. And I have the jiggly body parts to prove it!


Blogger وليد العروي said...

اسباب انسداد بالوعة و مغسلة المطبخ و الحمام
افضل طريقة لحل مشكلة انسداد المجاري في المطبخ

12/05/2018 07:33:00 AM  
Blogger انجين محمد said...

دهان بالرياض
دهان بالرياض يعتبر من أفضل الشركات التي تعمل على طرح أحدث الألوان العصرية والتي يفضلها الكثير من العملاء للقيام بتغيير ألوان دهانات الجدران الخاصة بمنزلهم، ولم يقتصر العمل على المنازل فقط بل من الممكن أن يتم التواصل مع دهان بالرياض للقيام بدهان أو إعادة دهان فلل قصور محلات مطاعم وغيرها من الأماكن
مع ضمان جودة الألوان وعدم تغيرها مع الاستخدام الدائم للمنظفات بشكل دائم، كما يعمل دهان بالرياض على توفير بعض الكتالوجات الخاصة بنا والتي تحتوي على جميع الألوان، وذلك توفيرا للوقت المبذول في البحث عن الألوان المساعدة، كما يتم توفير جميع الادوات والمعدات التي تساعد على إنهاء ذلك الأمر بشكل مميز، كل ذلك يتم بأسعار لا تقبل المنافسة.

6/27/2019 04:28:00 PM  

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