About 2 years ago I had a co-worker try to get me fired. It happened after I tried to help her out. You know in my last post I talked about messy people. Well, this is one of those situations where I ended up being the messy one. This co-worker wanted me to find out what was being said about her by other people. She seemed so upset and hurt so I went against my nature and agreed to help her. Boy did it EVER backfire in my face. She took the information I gave her and confronted the people she suspected having said it. They immediately put 2 and 2 together and I was caught in the middle of something I should've never agreed to be a part of.
Then the co-worker I tried to help out turned against me. She threatened to have me fired for harrassment by way of spreading malacious rumors about her. I was floored. I told her to FUCK OFF and never speak to me again. This of course was after she kept sending me little company instant messages threatening me. I finally had enough. I replied in the same company instant message. Completely stupid and got me in trouble.
The day that all this happened, you know the confrontation with the co-workers and the threats to me by the person I tried to help, I left work half a day in tears. I was sooo distraught. Well, unfortunately after I left, the bitch printed out my instant message to her and turned me in for sexual harrassment to our human resources department. I came into work the next day to find that they removed the instant message software from my PC and a notification from my boss about the harrassment investigation. If that wasn't instant Karma, I don't know what is.
About a year later, that same lady was fired from the company. She stopped coming to work. It was rumored that she got involved in drugs and Lord knows what else. She had gained a lot of weight and had managed to piss off several of her co-workers because of her manipulations and lies. I like to think Karma got back at her too for trying to get me fired. Although I don't wish anyone to lose their jobs, I don't feel bad for her.
I never heard what happened with the harassment investigation. I can only assume they found the accussation unfounded and my response provoked by her numerous threats. It has been over 3 years since this incident occurred and as you know I have my access back to the company instant messenger. That bitch is long gone and I learned to never go against my nature again.
I believe Karma worked again with regards to Ghetto Queen. About a week before Christmas she was walked out/fired from work. The reasoning was her attendance record. So far she has not returned. I hear she is fighting the company with the union to get her job back but so far she has not won. I can't help but think Karma is paying her back for her behavior. She stole from us and abused the attendance policy. I never wished for her to be fired, but again I don't feel bad about it either.
Karma really works people. I have seen it first hand. And I think that if more people really thought about the consequences of their actions, I mean you know the ones that happen way down the line, then maybe they would behave differently. Then again the human race is not the most intelligent species. Just look at all the reality TV shows we have. Utter morons!
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