Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time Table

So I have given myself an ultimatum. I decided that I will give myself until Feb 28th to feel sorry for myself and bitch about the unfairness that is Joe. Then on March 1st, I will no longer talk about him. I will no longer obsess over this lost relationship. I will make a real effort to let it and him go. I have spent over 2 months agonizing over this crap and it is WAY past time to move on.

I have been reading over my blog entries for the past 2 months. And I see myself as this whiny, needy mess. I don't like that image. And I certainly don't like how this has taken over my life. ENOUGH!

I just found out that beginning March 1st Joe & I will be working on the same shift for six weeks. I don't know if it's the fates playing a cruel joke on me or what. I haven't decided if I'm going to try and trade my shifts again or not. I can't run and hide forever. Old Lady Red keeps telling me to stay open to still being friends with Joe. Unfortunately, doing that also leaves me open to getting more hurt.

So one more week of wallowing and then I am done. I've been thinking about volunteering my time. There are several really worthy causes out there that I'm interested in. I figure that helping others will also help myself. That being around people that really want and need my help will do me a world of good. That I need a healthy distraction for a change.


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