Thursday, April 19, 2007

My New House

So I closed on my house today. WOO HOO!!!!! I am sooo excited. I am finally home owner. Only 3 years later than my original plan.

We had planned my closing date for today last month. Of course my little stay in the hospital kind of put me behind. I tried to put the closing off for another week but the sellers refused.

Of course, I am bed ridden at the moment so Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) had to take me to my closing cause I am unable to drive at the moment. As much of a pain Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) is, he has been a tremendous help to me. Here are some pictures he took.

Here is the front of my house:

The rear:

My garage, which SOOOO needs to be painted:

The shed. Look how shitty the fence is. I plan on replacing it.

And finally the living room.

As you can see I need to some minor repair work and definitely painting. Of course since I am still recovering from surgery, I cannot get started like I want to. Someone suggested I have a painting party. Of course my mother has already begged me not to invite her. So guys don't be surprised if I send you an invite. I need all the help I can get.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Finally Home (Part 2)

WARNING: The following content is graphic and somewhat gross. Not intended for the weak at heart...or stomach!

OK now where was I? So I got into my new room and eventually settled in and calmed down. They gave me a shot to help drain the fluid from my lungs which made my poor bladder feel like it was gonna explode even though they had me on a catheter. I was still on oxygen and a respiratory therapist came in and gave me a breathing treatment. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) finally went home when he realized I was okay again.

They took me down to have an Upper GI to make sure I had no digestive problems before they put me on a all liquid diet (broth, water, jello, juice, Popsicles). This was Thursday night. I was still on oxygen and my oxygen level was slowly improving. I was supposed to get up and walk around some more but I was too worn out to do so. Early the next morning (like about 3am or so) I did get up and walk a little bit in the halls. But as I should have known by now that just when things start to seem to be going okay, the bottom falls out.

I began having problems breathing through my nose. It felt like a weight had settled in my sinuses. When I tried to blow it clear, chunks of blood came out. I told one of my worthless nurses who told me the doctor would have to order me some saline nasal spray. They claimed that my oxygen was humified but it was drying out my sinuses like you wouldn't believe. Anyway...

Early Friday morning I got out of bed and sat up in a chair to eat (well drink) my breakfast. At this time I had not passed and gas or had a bowel movement. When I sat there, I finally passed gas which unfortunately felt wet. I told the nurse who claimed it was probably just "juices". Juices? I asked for clarification. She explained anal juices. Uh GROSS! I told her I didn't think that is what it was, but again I was dismissed.

They assigned me a student nurse and when she and the patient assistant tried to give me a sponge bath, I stood up and had a massive cramp across my lower abdomen. It felt like someone was ripping me open. I then discovered I was covered in blood. Upon investigation, we found that my drainage tube had come undone and we suspect I was covered in blood from that. The patient assistat had to go help another patient. So the wonderful little student nurse helped clean me up and discovered that even though I was clean, there was still blood everywhere. She suspected I had started my period (which was not due for another week) and went to get the regular nurse to confirm.

So here I am, spread eagle, practically naked and have 2 nurses and then the respatory doctor trying to confirm if I started my period or not. At this point, any modesty I had left is completely gone. They decide it is my period and put me back in the chair with a blanket pad. I have to wait until they get in these special panties before I can get back in to my bed because I am still on the cathater. I sat there ALL day in my own blood. I was beyond furious. Finally when one the patient assistant came in to take my vitals, I went off on her.

I asked her if I was just supposed to sit in my blood all day or was it possible for me to lay down in my bed and take a much needed nap. She was flabergasted that I wasn't taken care of and immediately helped me to bed. Just then the miraculous panties arrived. They removed my cathater. I was cleaned up again, dressed in these stupid panties and put to bed. The evening nurses came in shortly afterwards to try to get me to get up and walk around. Needless to say I gave them my best "You've got to be fucking kidding me. Get the fuck out of here!" stares, and they left me alone.

I get up a few hours later and attempt to go to the restroom. As I was sitting on the throne, the evening nurse came in and told me I needed to go. She was completely out of breath and hard to understand. I told her I was trying to go to the bathroom. Then she clarified and said we needed to go before we blew away. I looked at her strangely and then she explained that a tornado was coming and we needed to evacuate the room. So here I am, dragged off the toliet and whisked into the hallway with several other patients. All of us on oxygen and pretty pathetic looking. They gave us blankets to cover ourselves with in case glass started flying about.

An hour later the crisis passed and we were allowed back into our rooms. Of course my adventure just continued on. My IV decided to pop out so I had to get a new IV. Which anyone who has had one knows, they are not the most pleasant items to have.

Saturday night my overnight nurse suddenly removed one of the pillows that was propping me up. This sudden movement caused a very sharp pain across my lower abdomen. It felt like someone was trying to rip out my right ovary. Needless to say I moaned in agony. I had to pinch my side to aleviate the constant pain. They had taken me off my morphine drip earlier in the day and now I was given some lame ass liquid hydrocodone. It wasn't the same!

I was still trying to relieve the continous pressure in my nasal sinuses. I hadn't gotten the nasal spray I asked for 2 days ago and figured that it was coming from the same far off place as the special panties. Eventually I heard a slight pop while using a kleenex and had a bloody nose. I called the night nurse and he informed me that the nasal spray was there. I wonder how long it had been there. I tried to use it, but my that time it just burned like hell.

Sunday rolled around and I started planning my escape. I told Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) that there were several roof tops that I could run & jump down from, but I would be mooning the other patients in the process. I also thought about using my jello spoon to dig a tunnel. The countless other lame plans of escape kept me and Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) laughing for hours.

My oxygen level was almost 100% so they took me off the oxygen. Then then brought me more barium to take so they could do a CT scan and find out why my lower abdonmen was so painful. It was banana flavor, but still barium is nasty as hell. I was only able to drink one of the 2 bottles they gave me. The CT nurse gave me a hard time saying they may not be able to scan me. Eventually the doctor agreed and up on the table I went to have the scan done.

When they tried to give me a shot of the contrast, my new (second) IV was not working. They called my nurse down to fix it, but she came down to give me another new (third) IV. The CT nurse figured out a way to make my current IV work and I was saved the torture of another IV stick.

They made me stretch and hold my breath as they did this scan which was pure torture for me. By the time they were done I was shaking from being in so much pain. Again I moaned in agony and this time had tears falling down my face. They took me back to my room, gave me more pain medicine and virtually left me alone for the rest of the night.

This morning I finally got to see my surgeon/doctor. He informed me that my CT scan showed my ovary enlarged and suggested I contact my OB/GYN doctor since she would not come to that hospital. I asked him when I could be released and he said this afternoon after they removed my stitches and drain tube. I immediately took a shower, called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and was out of there by 12:30 pm. I am in severe pain, but oh so happy to be home in my own bed with my fuzzy butt cat.

I have never had such a horrible experience in all my life. And believe it or not, I have left out several other torturous little details that occurred during my stay. I hope to NEVER have to go back there again. As Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) said, "Just shoot me in the head and be done with it instead!"

Finally Home

I was released from the hospital today. I had several complications after my surgery which required I stay in the hospital for almost a week. Pull up a chair cause this is gonna be a long blog. Also WARNING: The following content is graphic and somewhat gross. Not intended for the weak at heart...or stomach!

So Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and I arrived at the hospital at 6 AM. Checked into the hospital and went to the appropriate floor to prep for surgery. I stripped down to nothing and put on the hideous gown. They put in an IV, took the necessary vital signs and I was whisked away to surgery relatively quickly. I remember being put into what was supposedly the operating room but looked more like a junky storage room. After that I guess they put me under cause the next thing I remember was trying to come to in the recovery room.

The surgery was successful. There was a small leak which they discovered and repaired before stitching me closed. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) stayed in the waiting room the entire time and kept everyone updated on my progress. I awoke with all these machines attached to me taking my vitals. A some point they hooked me up to a morphine drip which all I can say was a Godsend. I would wake up and request ice chips for my very dry mouth and throat and then press a button for more morphine and be out again.

Unfortunately, I stayed in recovery for over 8 hours because they didn't have a hospital room available for me. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness so it was no big deal for me, but poor Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) was stuck in the waiting room all day with what he claims were a bunch of over the top hillbillies. He wasn't allowed in the recovery room to see me, but during one of my more alert moments I called him on my cell phone and talked to him briefly.

By about 5 or 6 o'clock that evening I told them to send Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) home. It looked like I was going to spend the night in recovery and there was no point in him sitting in the waiting room all night. Just as I told him to leave, they found me a room. So he stayed long enough to see me settled in the room and let everyone know where I was.

That night the nurses got me up walking around a little bit. They showed me how to give myself a shot of these blood thinners I was to be on for the next 10 days. I was still only allowed ice chips which they kept me completely stocked up with. The respiratory therapist came in and gave me some breathing exercise equipment to help keep my oxygen level up. The evening & night nurses were very attentive and friendly. The first night was relatively peaceful and calm.

However, the following day I woke up with a massive headache from a dead sleep. I called the nurse's station and told them about it. They claimed there were going to send my nurse in. As I laid waiting for my nurse I felt around by body and noticed that my stitches were completely wet. I called the nurse's station again and informed them that my stitches appeared to be leaking. The lady on the other end asked who I was, and I informed her that I called a little while ago complaining of a headache. I should have known then that I was in trouble.

By the time the nurse came in (20 minutes after my second call to the nurses station), I was hysterical. I had shortness of breath and wondered if my headache was because I hadn't taken my blood pressure medicine and maybe my blood pressure was high. I demanded they take my blood pressure and they refused saying I was too worked up. The rude ass nurse tried to tell me to calm down and see if my friend could bring me a DVD player or something cause people tend to get bored in a hospital. I told her I was not fucking bored. I had a headache which woke me up from a dead sleep. She blew me off and left me in my hysterical state after she at least changed my wet bandages.

I called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) in a panic and he came up to the hospital (with flowers) to help calm me down. There was a shift change and the evening nurses came on duty much to my relief. I told everyone who would listen to me about the shitty day nurse including a woman who happened to be a hospital volunteer. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) was proud of me for speaking up. I let the evening nurses (and later the night nurses too) know how much I appreciated them.

Eventually I calmed down and Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) went back home. I fell back asleep but still had the headache. This entire time I had always kept my room a meat locker because I was constantly hot. Well, during my nap when they came in to check on me, I asked them to turn my thermostat up. Another sign that something was wrong. I am rarely ever cold.

When they came back later to take my stats, I was running a 102 fever. They called my surgeon who told them to give me liquid Tylenol which tasted like baby aspirin to me. I called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and informed him of my condition and made sure to point out that I knew something was wrong with me. That the stupid day nurse should have listened to me. Little did I know how important that statement truly ended up being.

They put me on a IV feeding drip and continued to monitor me throughout the night. Well, my oxygen level dropped so low that they could not get a reading. They put me on 100% oxygen and my stats were not improving. The overnight nurse came in yelling at me (in a concerned way, not a mean one) that I needed to help them improve my breathing or they were gonna have to move me. I was wearing an oxygen mask and breathing in as deeply as I could.

They took a chest x-ray on me first thing in the morning and discovered I had fluid in my lungs. They then immediately stopped the IV feeding drip because I was just absorbing it into my lungs. Of course at the time, all they told me was that I was needing to be moved cause my condition required constant supervision that the current area I was in couldn't provide. I immediately called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) again hysterical. It was barely 7 in the morning.

He came up to the hospital again to comfort me. Before he could arrive a pastor came to talk to me. That made me even more hysterical. Why did I need a pastor? Was I dying? They told him I was being moved and he immediately left. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) showed up as I was being moved and I was beyond consolable. Thus began my new adventures in a different hospital wing.

(Due to my current state of exhaustion, there will be a brief intermission...)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Feast or Famine

So much has happened since my last post. So I need to play catch up again.

I spent the entire month of February sick. First I had a sinus infection. Came back to work for a day and developed a viral infection. Was off work for 4 more days. I returned and worked for a whole week. Then I came down with the flu which put me out of commision for 5 days. Of course my stupid doctor gave me hell about filling out my sick papers for work. She acted like I took the time off to play "hooky" or something. Even though I went to her office and was diagnosed all 3 times.

I ended up taking five days off from work cause I had a fever and was achy all over for days. The fever did not break until the fourth day. And since I work weekends it was 5 days. Had I only worked Monday through Friday it would have only been 3 days. She claims she told me to only take 2 days off. What she said was I could not work for 2 days cause I was contagious. Not that I could only take 2 days. She was a real bitch about it. It ain't like she is having to pay for my time off. It's all squared away now, but at the time I was wanting to strangle her pregnant ass.

My little sister in the meantime moved to Louisiana with a guy she met on the internet. She helped our mother move into a 1 bedroom apartment and then stayed there for a few weeks driving our mother crazy. Then all of a sudden BAM! Some guy picked her up and she was gone. She didn't leave a forwarding address or nothing. Our mother was happy Christina was out of her hair, but was worried she might be dead in a ditch somewhere.

So when Mom's birthday came (March 10th) and went without a peep from Christina I decided to contact her the only place I could think of. You see several months back it was discovered that Christina has a MySpace page. So I decided to try and contact her through that. Of course, I had to join and make my own MySpace web page. I had been banning MySpace for so long that it just about killed me to join. However, it worked. Christina immediately called our mother and informed her of where she is and a cell number to contact her if need be. I get onto MySpace every other day or so to check things out and keep in contact with Christina.

On the work front, March saw some knock down drag out fights between Dilbert and me. I did some things he didn't approve of and vice versa. He accused me of being unprofessional and trying to run our work crew. I accused him of ignoring our work concerns brought to his attention and not supporting us to other departments. We spent 45 minutes yelling at each other in one of the project rooms. We eventually came to a truce and things have been okay since. Of course that is only from my point of view. Several other co-workers are still completely disgruntle.

Then the 21st of March brought on a HUGE surprise for me. I FOUND A HOUSE! Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and I went house hunting that day and looked at 7 homes. The second one we saw was perfect. Of course I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted it. You see my print out of the house specs showed the house selling for one amount. My realtor's copy showed it selling for $3000 less (which I didn't know at the time). Then when I came home to put down all my notes for the places we had seen on my saved searches, I saw that the house was now $5000 less than my print out. I knew then that this was a sign for me to buy it. I immediately emailed my realtor and got the ball rolling. The closing date is scheduled for April 19th. Here are the only 2 pictures I have right now of my potential home.

Since it is under contract it has been removed from the real estate sites which also included pictures of the bedrooms, kitchen, living and dining areas. It is 1810 square feet with vinyl wood floors in the living and dining rooms, tile in the kitchen and carpet in the 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. It has a 2 car garage in the rear, a decent size back yard and a new roof which is being installed as we speak. I am so excited about my "potential" new home.
And last but certainly not least, I am having surgery...tomorrow. I haven't told very many people and I am choosing to speak of it now since I may be out of commission for a while. I am only supposed to stay in the hospital over night and miss about 3 weeks of work. Hopefully everything will run smoothly and I will have plenty more blogs to share with you guys. Wish me luck!
Well that is all for now. I must get to bed since I have to be at the hospital at 6am and Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) is coming to get me at 5:30 am. Take care everyone and I will be back to harass ya'll soon!