My New House
So I closed on my house today. WOO HOO!!!!! I am sooo excited. I am finally home owner. Only 3 years later than my original plan.
We had planned my closing date for today last month. Of course my little stay in the hospital kind of put me behind. I tried to put the closing off for another week but the sellers refused.
Of course, I am bed ridden at the moment so Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) had to take me to my closing cause I am unable to drive at the moment. As much of a pain Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) is, he has been a tremendous help to me. Here are some pictures he took.
Here is the front of my house:
The rear:
My garage, which SOOOO needs to be painted:
The shed. Look how shitty the fence is. I plan on replacing it.
And finally the living room.
As you can see I need to some minor repair work and definitely painting. Of course since I am still recovering from surgery, I cannot get started like I want to. Someone suggested I have a painting party. Of course my mother has already begged me not to invite her. So guys don't be surprised if I send you an invite. I need all the help I can get.
this is a very nice and quaint house you've got. hope it imprints happy memories! :)
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