Saturday, May 27, 2006

Men and Their Facial Hair

I don't get the obsession men have with their facial hair. I personally prefer a man with a clean cut face. The occassional five o'clock shadow is sexy. But those little patches of hair on their chin or just below their lips, GROSS! I call that shit chin pubes.

I was listening to the radio the other day and this DJ said that goatees are the equivalent of a mullet. I couldn't agree more. I think I laughed for a full hour over that comparison.

Oh and I just love those men you encounter that have no hair on their head but all over their face. I guess it's their way of saying, "Hey, I can still grow hair! See look!" So pathetic.

Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) goes through these phases of facial hair nightmares. He lets the hair on his chin get all long and scraggily. Every woman he encounters wants to shave that shit off his face. He threats to grow it out even longer, like those guys in ZZ Top, and dye it rainbow colors. Okay dude, we get it! You're gay. There is such a thing as over kill ya' know!

Now I know guys get tired of shaving. So the occasional 2 to 3 day growth is understandable. Hell, I don't shave my legs and shit every day either. It's a pain in the ass. But it's those guys that do take the time to shave part of their face and then leave these ridiculous patches of whatever and think it looks cool. They need to be talked to, made fun of or beaten...whatever it takes to stop them from forcing us to have to look at that crap on their face every day. Don't you agree?

Friday, May 26, 2006

Worthless quizzes

I was looking at different live journals and so many had all these fun little quizzes on them. I figured as much as I blog about stuff that bothers me, why not blog about something trivial and kind of fun. So take a minute and check out my quiz results.

Take'>">Take this quiz at

In the event of a lottery win, Camlaw should buy...

100 Twinkies for all of your friends.
'What should you buy if you win the lottery?' at

I so love twinkies!!!

You are Oscar Wilde

Charming and Witty. You are incredibly popular because of your wry and satirical sense of humor. You are also incredibly talented at writing, and pushing the conventional boundaries of your society.

Take this quiz at

In the dark ages, how would Camlaw die?

You would run off of a poorly-lit cliff while in pursuit of your secret lover. Cliffs were even more of a hazard back in the day, you know.
'How would you die in the dark ages?' at

Camlaw --


A master of storytelling.

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

Your Theme Song:

"Dancing Queen", ABBA

'What is your theme song?' at

You are a super geek

You are into everything that is geeky – which is hard because there are so many types of geeks. You are very smart and have a great imagination. People who call you a geek are just jealous, right?

Take this quiz at

Your Birthdate: April 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Which American Cities Best Fit You?

So I was on someone's live journal who happens to be a QAF fanfic writer that I adore. This is one of them funky quizzes she happened to post tonight. I thought it was interesting so I checked it out for myself. While she was not happy with her results, I totally loved mine. Check it out!

American Cities That Best Fit You::
65% Atlanta
60% Austin
60% Las Vegas
55% Chicago
55% Honolulu

Monday, May 22, 2006

Overly Generous or Just Plain Stupid

February was a very busy month for me. My older car broke down. I bought a new car. Then I bought a used car for my little sister (97 Saturn). I had gone from no car to 3 cars in a two week time span. Unfortunately my sister didn't follow through on her end of the deal when we bought her car, so I had to repossess it from her 2 weeks later. It nearly broke my heart when I did that.

When I repossessed her car, Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) helped me. He also decided that he wanted the car for himself. We found it with a flat tire. Joe placed the spare tire on it and I drove it down to Discount Tire. I had them replace the 2 remaining old tires (one of them having been the flat). Since purchasing this car, I have replaced the brakes, the speakers and two of the tires.

Since the repossession, Joe has had the Saturn parked in his drive way. He's done some minor repairs on the vehicle. He got the interior light working, placed the front license plate on the car, got the interior power locks working and helped lower the engine noise and run a little better. Of course the very first thing he did was put a rainbow sticker on the rear window. He can't have a vehicle without announcing that it belongs to a gay man.

In the mean time, the maintenance man of my apartments began bugging me to sell him my 96 Tracer. He desperately needed a vehicle and had always admired my car. After much deliberation, I decided to sell him the vehicle at blue book price. He gave me a down payment of $400 with the promise of paying me the remaining difference in the next few weeks. I told him not to over extend himself trying to pay me off which I now realize was a HUGE mistake.

Shortly after Joe took the Saturn, his other vehicle was totaled in a car accident. The gentleman responsible's insurance company paid Joe's car off but left Joe with the Saturn as his only vehicle. While waiting for the insurance check to arrive, Joe went in search of a newer vehicle. He had to use the money he set aside for his property taxes, leaving paying me for the Saturn on the back burner. He ended up purchasing a 2006 Kia Rio. Nothing powered or fancy. Hell, the car is small enough to fit in the trunk of my Accord. Joe gets offended every time I mention that, by the way.

Anyway, Joe's luck did not get any better. One night driving home from work, he hit something odd in the road swerving away from some idiot on the highway. Whatever he hit, flattened his tire, damaged his rim, threw off the alignment and messed up his CD player. He hadn't even made his first car payment. Several hundreds of dollars later, he got the tire, rim & alignment fixed on his car. The CD player is still messed up, but that is not a priority for him.

The plate renewal came due on the Tracer. I went ahead and paid for the sticker since the car is still in my name. I tracked the maintenance man down and gave him the new sticker. It hadn't even been a month yet since he had the Tracer so I didn't ask him where his next payment was. He thanked me profusely for the new sticker and said he would add it to the price he still owes me for the car.

Then Joe must have pissed off the powers that be, cause then the hot water heater in his house broke down. I offered to help him buy a new one, but he refused. He said he already owed me enough money and he could handle taking cold showers for a while. He eventually broke down and bought a new water heater dipping even more into his savings for his property taxes. Since the taxes are due in June, Joe has been saving every penny towards making his payment on time.

At the end of April I asked Joe how I should proceed with the maintenance man. I had been over 2 months since he bought the Tracer and I had not seen a dime since the initial $400 he gave me. Joe advised me to be firm. So on May 1st I contact the maintenance man on his cell. He happened to be off work that day in protest to the immigration laws. He asked me to give him 2 weeks to pay off the entire amount he still owes me. I reluctantly agreed.

Today it has been 3 weeks since that phone call and I have not seen hide nor hair of the maintenance man. My mother asked me if I was going to repossess this car too. The last thing I want to do is repossess another vehicle. Plus I have no clue where the man lives. I did ask Joe and another co-worker if they wanted to come over and intimidate him into paying me. They both are over 6 feet tall and he is barely 5 foot.

The big question is, am I overly generous or just plain stupid? When I initially told the maintenance man not to over extend himself, I was thinking he would pay me $100 to $200 every other week or so until he had paid me in full. I understand everyone has problems. But as long as he made some sort of effort to pay me, that was all I was expecting. Three months and not a penny more paid, seems like he is taking advantage of the situation.

When Joe realized that he couldn't pay for the Saturn right away he offered to give it back to me stating that the money he already invested in it could be considered payment for a rental. I told him I totally understood and for now he should keep it. He has since promised the vehicle to his dad and is hoping to have me paid off by August. Although Joe has not paid me any money, he has always made it clear that he is going to pay me. Plus he has helped me by putting visors on my Accord and fixing my mother's computer.

Besides Joe is my friend and co-worker (not to mention my gay boyfriend). Plus I know where he lives! He can't hide from me.

In the meantime, I just got to figure out how to handle the maintenance man. Unfortunately this is one of those "adult" lessons I am having to learn on my own. Just another reason why being an adult really sucks some times!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


HE DRIVES ME CRAZY! Demanding my attention at the most annoying times. Like crawling all over my desk and sitting on my computer keyboard. Or jumping on the coffee table and knocking my drink on the floor. Crawling across the bed to the night stand and drinking the water out of my very own glass. Crying throughout the apartment even after he has been fed and watered and been inside & outside for the evening....TWICE!

Then there are all the other messes he makes all over the place. I mean why on earth does he have to eat his food on the carpet?! I mean he has a clean bowl and mat to eat from, but he drags the food onto the carpet and eats it. Little hard bits of food caked onto my carpet.

And let's not even discuss the bathroom. I have to keep a broom in there to sweep up all the litter he leaves everywhere. And he also drags that all over the carpet. My poor vacuum is getting worn out.

And speaking of everywhere, HAIR. As much as he sheds I am shocked he isn't bald! I don't think there is one place in my entire apartment that does not possess at least one strand of his hair!

And is he two years old? He is constantly putting things in his mouth that he finds on the floor and eating them. Then he throws up some place later, making even more messes for me to clean up.

But then at the peak of my anger, when I am trying to decide the best way to kill and dispose of his body, he does something cute. He'll rub against me and give me this pathetic little stare. Or he'll lay on his back and paw up in the air. Come up to me on the sofa and place his little paw on my arm. Give my leg a little lick while I am sitting at my desk on the internet. And I can no longer kill him. I fall in love with the little guy all over again.

But I realize that if this is just a fraction of what it's like to have a child, FORGET IT! I am getting my tubes tied now and living vicariously through all my friends.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Skin - A - Max

I recently joined the 20th century and finally got DSL and a DVR. I even increased my cable package. Now I get all the movie channels (except Fox Movie Channel....What the fuck is up with that?) Joe (gay boyfriend) asked me why all the sudden changes. I told him I was tired of being behind the times.

I forgot what quality programming Cinemax provided...especially on the weekends. The other night I sat here and described to decayed rebirth about one the "fake porns" that happened to be on. I had been watching Sin City and then ended up watching (or more like hearing in the background) some cheap ass wanna be porn. I was amazed that someone actually spent money making such a movie. The moans were ridiculous, the breasts on the women were completely fake, and the men were orange not tan.

One lady's breasts looked like medium rocks on her chest. The did not bounce at all. And I could have sworn when the woman leaned against this guy's chest I heard him say, "Ouch!" I wouldn't have been surprised if she bruised him with those things. I even joked that the guy sprained his wrist trying to squeeze one.

Decayed rebirth said that they moaned with passion. I said it sounded more like they were pain not pleasure. Waste of time and money.

Do you think that maybe if I was willing to give up one of my Cinemax channels they'd replace it with the Fox Movie Channel?