Men and Their Facial Hair
I don't get the obsession men have with their facial hair. I personally prefer a man with a clean cut face. The occassional five o'clock shadow is sexy. But those little patches of hair on their chin or just below their lips, GROSS! I call that shit chin pubes.
I was listening to the radio the other day and this DJ said that goatees are the equivalent of a mullet. I couldn't agree more. I think I laughed for a full hour over that comparison.
Oh and I just love those men you encounter that have no hair on their head but all over their face. I guess it's their way of saying, "Hey, I can still grow hair! See look!" So pathetic.
Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) goes through these phases of facial hair nightmares. He lets the hair on his chin get all long and scraggily. Every woman he encounters wants to shave that shit off his face. He threats to grow it out even longer, like those guys in ZZ Top, and dye it rainbow colors. Okay dude, we get it! You're gay. There is such a thing as over kill ya' know!
Now I know guys get tired of shaving. So the occasional 2 to 3 day growth is understandable. Hell, I don't shave my legs and shit every day either. It's a pain in the ass. But it's those guys that do take the time to shave part of their face and then leave these ridiculous patches of whatever and think it looks cool. They need to be talked to, made fun of or beaten...whatever it takes to stop them from forcing us to have to look at that crap on their face every day. Don't you agree?
Some people have facial hair that's pleasant to look at, and others have the "pubes" variety. The latter should realize of their own accord that it looks bad and keep it shaved. But I must say your stance on this issue conflicts rather starkly with your liberal outlook on other social issues. Shouldn't we embrace diversity and freedom of expression, regardless of how habits and appearance may annoy others?
And if shaving your legs is "a pain in the ass", you may be going up too high. ;-] Just a hint.
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