Monday, April 25, 2005

Phone Etiquette...

When you attend school, the things on the curriculum are supposed to help prepare you to function in society. Unfortunately, the subjects are actually rather limited and you are forced to learn most things on your own. One subject that I feel needs to be addressed is phone etiquette.

People need to learn the proper ways to answer the phone, speak on the phone, make phone calls...the list is endless. Yet, this obvious needed skill continues to go on ignored. So I have decided to take a moment to educate the masses.

A person should always answer the phone with a friendly demeanor. An appropriate greeting such as "Hello" or "Good morning/afternoon/evening" or "Thank you for calling..." with a very upbeat voice is the best way to interact with others on the telephone. Answering with "yo" or "what" or "who dis" is distasteful and causes the party on the other end to immediately disrespect you.

You should never chew gum or eat while communicating on the phone. The sound of chewing is extremely annoying and another form of disrespect to the party on the other line. Disposing of your gum or finishing you meal before speaking on the phone can ensure a pleasant conversation.

Speaking with others while on the phone is also inappropriate. You should always give your undivided attention to the person on the line since they are the ones you are supposed to be speaking to. If you are unable to give your undivided attention, then you should end the call immediately.

Calls before 8 am or after 10 pm is entirely inappropriate unless there is an emergency. Calling anyone before or after these hours is very disrespectful and opens one up for disrespect in return.

If a wrong number has been dialed, apologizing to the wrong party is much more courteous than an abrupt dial tone. Also accepting the apology when wrong dialed is well mannered and appreciated.

These are just the main lessons society need be taught. I know they seem fairly simple and along the lines of common sense, but trust me...THEY ARE NOT! I have grown to despise answering the phone since most encounters are extremely troublesome. So for all of you out there that think you are well mannered and skilled in the art of telephony, read the above pointers and memorize them. Cause I refuse to put up with you rude ass mother fuckers anymore!


I tend to speed. My fast driving is joked about profusely between my co-workers, friends and family. People say that it is a good thing I only have a 4 cylinder car cause if I had any more engine power, I would be lethal. HA!

I have had tickets...received for the most part right down the street from my home...usually doing 45 in a 30, or 57 in a 45. I tend not to pay attention to my speed. And believe it or not, those tickets are the most expensive. My last one cost me $250 or something crazy like that. Anyway...

A few weeks back I was driving to work during lovely morning rush hour. Shortly after merging onto the highway, I saw a Hummer pulled over by the police. As I passed them, the officer was walking back to his vehicle as the Hummer began to merge back in to traffic. We (the Hummer & me) traveled the same direction for the next 10+ miles. The Hummer for the most part followed the flow of traffic, speeding but not anymore than the rest of us.

Because I take this particular expressway daily, I tend to know what areas to watch for the speed know those certain inclines or limited view turns the police love to hide at. I normally just take my foot off the gas at those points so my speed gradually slows down and my speeding is not so obvious. Yeah...I have a method.

So about 5 or so miles from work, approaching one of the police hot spots, I gently took my foot off the gas. At this point the Hummer and several other cars were ahead of me. I saw the taillights before I saw the actual officer. Immediately he jumped into his vehicle and turned on the overhead lights. I waited with baited breath to see which one he clocked. Weaving in and out of the cars he finally reached the vehicle he was in pursuit of....the Hummer. That's right! Within 15+ miles from the first encounter the Hummer was pulled over AGAIN. I could not help but laugh. Normally when you get a speeding ticket, you tend to at least for the rest of that day try to obey all the speed limits.

I could not wait to tell my amusing little tale to my friends and co-workers. My friend Emma said that he probably could afford the tickets seeing how he was driving a Hummer to begin with. I just thought it was crazy that 15 to 20 minutes after he was pulled over, he was pulled over AGAIN. He probably stood out seeing how his vehicle towers over all the others.

Consider this a warning. Unless you are surrounded by vehicles with similar height and width, don't speed with them. Cause you stick out like a sore thumb and chances are you will be ticketed. Just another reason why my little 4 cylinder car is perfect for me.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Bad day....

About 6 months ago I almost died. I was hospitalized for a week and then closely monitored for the three months that followed. I have to be careful now a days and not let things get to me and put me right back into that situation. I made some changes in my life, but I still have a long way to go. Can't change 30 years of behavior overnight.

One of those changes is no longer taking responsibility for my family's problems. My mother is great and making me take charge of her life and take care of all her problems. As do my two younger sisters and some of my close friends. I never realized how much stress and strain I was dealing with until my body completely shut down.

Another change is to not work so much...take personal time for just myself. Unfortunately I am a perfectionist and I tend to give 250% of my time & energy to my work. This constant need for being the best is very unhealthy. Plus with my particular job, no matter how good you are at it there is always someone there to point out your flaws. Basically good work is not praised, but mistakes and poor job performance is magnified, studied and shown to everyone that happened to miss it.

Well, today I was still feeling really bad but I went into work anyway. It started off with me seeing that I am not being paid for 12 hours this week. Instead of allowing me to code my sick time as vacation or whatever, they coded it as sick. Because I have not been with the company long enough, I do not get paid sick time. Plus the days get counted against my attendance record.

Then as the day progressed, I continued to feel worse. Knowing I cannot afford to lose those 12 hours of pay let alone 20 hours, I stayed until my incredibly long (okay it just seemed that way) shift ended. Towards the end of my shift, I tried to pass my work to someone else to complete. However, the 3 males I was working with would not volunteer to take over my work. I ended up staying 20 minutes after my shift trying to tie up the loose ends.

Since we are under strict budget restraints, overtime is not being approved. Well, one of the guys realized I was still sitting there and asked me why I was still working. I explained to him that no one volunteered to take over my work so I had to finish up. He started yelling at me about how he is not going to get in trouble with our boss because I stayed. And that I needed to just give my work to this one particular guy because he has not done anything so far today. Needless to say I did not take too kindly to being yelled at, especially since I still feel like shit. I finished what I was doing, made the necessary notes and then handed my work over.

As I was shutting down my work PC, the same mofo that yelled at me began questioning why I was still there. I did not respond. Once everything was shut down and locked up at my desk, I silently gathered my things and left.

On the drive home I pondered my day and decided....I HATE THIS JOB. No matter how hard I work, it does not seem to matter. Now not only may I be written up for poor attendance, I may also get disciplined for staying past my shift today. I thought back to when I was hospitalized and monitored those 3 months. The one thing they kept drilling into me was, "YOU ARE NOT YOUR JOB..." I kept repeating that to myself like a mantra as I drove.

Realizing that I cannot continue this way, I came to a decision. I am no longer going to try and be the "model" employee because frankly it does not exist. Nor am I going to interact with my fellow co-workers because they are all crazy and cause unnecessary chaos. I am going to attempt to adapt a new attitude towards my work. Because if I don't I could end up where I was 6 months ago. And if I died, it would not matter to my job anyway.



I woke up this morning still feeling weak so I called into work. The problem is that I tend to get stir crazy after awhile with no one-on-one human interaction. I mean Oliver is wonderful and all but there is only so much whining and crying I can take from the cat.

So as soon as I got on the internet and began chatting with my fellow QAF fanatics, I tended to interact very passionately about pretty much any subject that was made. Current fanfic stories, future fanfic stories, why they all had the same text coloring and how hard was it to change the coloring so it was easier to follow the damn chat room?!?!?!? (inhales and exhales deeply)

Now there are several subjects that I am VERY passionate about: gay rights, TV shows, movies, music. Eventually one of the subjects mentioned during our chatting was music. Cara, a fellow QAF fanfic writer, mentioned her recent discovery and likings towards Metallica. Seems her boyfriend has been trying to educate her about the band...exposing her to their older music. Even wanting to go so far as to having their theme song be Cliff Burton's solo. She must really love him...But anyway, I digress.

I took a moment (okay several) to express my dislike towards the band that I used to love once upon a time. I explained that I discovered Metallica when the video "One" was first aired on MTV. I took one look at Jason Newsted and I was a goner. I knew nothing of Cliff Burton because before the "One" video I was pop music junkie of sorts. Hey, I could belt out George Michael's "Father Figure"with the best of them!

Anyway from that moment on, I could not get enough of Metallica's music. They were the first concert I ever attended. I was so in awe of the band. I bought every one of their CDs. I devoured the VH1 Behind the Music episode about them. But like so many love affairs, our relationship ended.

The beginning of the end came when Lars started attacking Napster and the fans. Shortly after that, Newsted left the band. I was completely heart broken. Then the trash talking began. It seemed to be one sided, stating how ungrateful and unloyal Jason was. I could not believe it. What happened to my band? Eventually Jason was replaced by some strange looking dude. And he was on the MTV show Icon like he had any hand in the success of the band. WHAT THE FUCK?!

The final nail in the coffin was the release of St. Anger. The first song played on the radio sounded like metal trash cans being smashed together. We waited all this time for that??? I did not buy that CD. And I was very vocal about my disappointment which shocked my friends who knew of my once passionate love of the band.

So tonight, when Cara mentioned Metallica I told her of my old love affair with the band. She asked why I was so bitter towards them now. I informed her that I saw the Some Kind Of Monster documentary a few weeks back on VH1. I found it very informative and very unsettling.

The band has always mentioned Cliff him such credit for the band's success. And I understand that his death was a horrific and unbelievable tragedy, however, he always seems to get more credit for the band's success than Jason ever has. Cliff was with in the band 5 to 6 years. Jason was with the band 15+ years. And not once have I ever heard a miniscule amount of praise towards Jason's contribution to the band like they gave/give Cliff. Jason played on the Black album, not Cliff. Which if memory serves is their most successful album to date.

So as I sat there and watched Some Kind of Monster. I was fine until the last 30 minutes of the documentary. I developed such animosity towards James, found new respect for Kirk and became even more ambivalent towards Lars. James was so dismissive of a band mate that he had toured and supposedly been family with for so many years. Lars was more concerned about control, and Kirk seemed to be struggling trying to keep some sort of harmony and mutual respect for one another in the band. Kirk was the ONLY one that asked about Jason's role in the Icon show, while James acted like Jason did not matter. The publicist responded with "Jason who?"

When they began interviewing new bass players, they kept comparing everyone to Cliff. "No one has ever played those songs so well since Cliff." HELLO?! If Jason was such a suck ass player, why keep him in the band for so long?

The last item to really fuel my anger was the $1 million offer they gave the new guy for just signing with the band. Lars made a quick remark about not wanting to make the same mistake with him like they did with Jason. Then there was a remark about equal footing. So I was not sure if the comment was meant as a recognition of the obvious mistreatment towards Jason, or a statement of how regretful they were to ever have him as a band member.

I ranted and raved for a while explaining my discontent for the band. I explained that as far as I am concerned, Metallica broke up when Jason left. I still listen to their earlier works, however. I reminisce about my first reaction to a certain song, or how I felt the first time I listened to all of a particular CD. But unless Metallica changes their ways, I do not ever see myself loving them again like I once did.

So after my passionate discussing (okay speech - discussion would mean I let someone interact with me), Cara (as well as a several other QAF fanfic writers) learned a little more about me. And I think they ultimately regret ever broaching the subject. HA! But passion is good. And even if my Metallica tirade further confirmed my lunacy for them, I don't regret it. It is good to express one's matter what the outcome.

Unless you are a bigoted homophobe that thinks Beverly Hills Cop 3 was an awesome movie and only straight, white, rich men should rule the world. Then I say, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Endless Fascination...

I mentioned my TV obsession right? Well tonight while finally overcoming my fever, I spent 4+ hours watching a HBO series called OZ. The show is no longer in production mind you so I am just watching the repeats. They are episodes I was never able to catch during the show's original airing. I used to watch the show all the time but money constraints caused me to cancel HBO and thus ended my ability to watch the show. I missed it at first, but as time passed I no longer felt the loss....until now. I am sitting there watching OZ on IN DEMAND and I wonder if my endless fascination with this show has to do with the constant parade of penises, the gratuitous violence or the unpredictable story lines. I finally decided it is the combination of all three. Does this mean I am some sick individual in need of vast amounts of therapy? Maybe. But then again, I am not the only 'fan' of this show or it wouldn't have lasted as many seasons as it did. Plus it wouldn't be available on DVD for anyone willing to spend the $60+ per season.

So not wanting to dwell on the negative, I settled in and enjoyed one of my many guilty pleasures. I cheered for Beecher, cursed Schillinger, weeped for the absence of Keller. I immersed myself in this violent world of betrayal and drugs and sex. Where the 'hacks' are just as corrupt as the inmates if not sometimes worse. Where that butchy female corrections officer was finally knocked down a peg or two. I laughed hysterically and yelled in disbelief. I hate that it is over now and that I have to wait a month before another set of episodes are up for me to watch. What to do?

Do I break down and spend the cash to buy all the seasons and watch them at my leisure? Do I be patient and wait for a new set of episodes to be available for free? I teeter on the indecision as I stare at my collection of Buffy and Angel and Queer As Folk (American & British versions) and 24 and Soap DVD sets. Obviously my indecision is not based on cost. When that final "HUH" is made as the rolling credits and theme music begin on the last episode, I mourn. I already miss the penises and the violence and the wild story lines.

So here I am. Online expressing myself in the hopes that I can process my feelings and come to some sort of decision. Try to figure out my hesitancy. Am I just too impatient to wait or is my desire based on true fanaticism?...I decided.

Patience is a virtue. And it is a virtue that I need to acquire.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Lost in the Sea of Technology

I began this blog as soon as I was informed what the hell a blog was. Not that I think anyone is remotely interested in my warped mind, but what the fuck? Might was well try it. You never know what sick twisted individuals I will bond with in the vast sea of inter-space.

I am sick today. I slept all day and have a crazy fever. Does that stop my online chatting and obsessive fanfiction reading? Hell no. I am a glutton for punishment kind of gal I guess. No wonder I am in therapy. HA!

I have a cat. Oliver is his name but I call him Mister or Fuzzy Butt or Homeboy. He is almost eight years old and has lived with me for about 1 1/2 years now. He keeps me company though. And I love him to death even when I do threaten to sell him to the gypsies.

I work for one of the largest phone companies. Good money but extremely stressful. I spend my off time reading Queer as Folk fanficiton, watching tv and GOD help us attempting to write. I love rock music and quick witted comedy. My favorite colors are blue & green.

I am looking to buy a house. Tired of apartment life. Have no kids...want no kids. Settle for spoiling everyone else's and then returning them back to their parents.

I guess this is all for now...Might as well save some of the mystery that is me for later.