And Then Some
Jan 2008 - I ended up getting bumped out of the overnight shift having only worked it a month by Mo-Mo which pissed several people off. She barely worked it a week and then immediately went out on disability AGAIN this time to have gallbladder surgery. Her going out left the overnight shift short handed and difficult for those on the shift to get time off when it was wanted or needed. It was felt that since she knew she was going out on disability that she should have picked another shift allowing me to continue to work it. Oh well!
So I went back to my old shift and HATED it. I returned to the same bullshit only this time I had no sleep cause now I was on a different sleep routine. That first week completely sucked and I was a royal bitch to everybody.
We got some new people added to our crew and with that the hope that things will get a little better with the work schedule. HA! Overtime was had and offered to call but me. And of course I am DESPERATE for some extra cash. None of the part-time jobs I applied for came through and I was so upset.
I started calling the company jobline and found out there were several tech position openings. When I checked on my transfer to one of those jobs, I discovered it expired back in October. I reapplied and now Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) started having a fit. He accused me of dumping him and leaving his ass. I told him the chances of me getting one of these tech positions are pretty slim (I been trying for over 2 years now), but I needed to try. The money (which is about $5 more an hour than what I make now) is needed and hell I went to school for it over 2 years ago anyway. Be stupid to spend all that time and energy going to school for this particular job & not go for it. Fernando (a.k.a. other gay boyfriend) moved to Arkansas over 2 years ago to get this position. Needless to say mentioning the "F" word only made Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) even MORE upset. He did not speak to me for a couple of days.
The yard man has started calling trying to get me to have him come over and rake leaves and whatnot. I have not bothered to call him back. I still have no money and not sure if I want to retain his services even if I did have the money. He did a good job on the yard but came & went as he pleased and I don't like that.
Feb 2008 - The night and overnight shifts changed by 30 minutes getting me home at midnight instead of 11:30pm. Which also means I only see the day shift people for 30 minutes instead of an hour which can be a blessing and a curse depending on the day.
The new people have proven to be worthless and annoying so far. Everyday I come to work they are laughing and partying it up at their desks. They are so loud that they manage to give me a headache before they leave. Several complaints have been made against them yet The Menace and Ms S seem to ignore them. It is rumored that the new people want to work on my shift which may bump me to another shift. They have no clue what a nightmare my current shift is. I hope they actually do bump me so I can get a little break. Of course Stick Figure will have a hissy fit. He can't stand lazy people and these girls seem to like to party and flirt with the guys on the phone. One of them seems to have an obsession with Movie Watcher that we tease him to no end about. I call all of them his Fan Club and he hates it.
Part of the ghetto fence fell and I have no funds to replace it. Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) says we can temporarily repair it until I can afford to start replacing the fence. Who knows when that will be.