Fantasy vs. Reality
I am torn. I have this inner desire but I am afraid it is something that will never be fulfilled. Every now and again this desire overwhelms me. It brings with it deep introspection and occasional torment. The only comfort I have is the possibility that I am not alone in the delusion. That there are others who share this impossibility. Hell, I know there are. I listen to one of them daily on a radio talk show expressing the same dilemma. Spill it already, right?
Okay, let me begin with the talent for people/society to get lost in the realm of fantasy. We get so caught up in the glamour and perfection that is presented that eventually we demand nothing but the fantasy. Let me clarify.
We honor underage, waif female models as representatives of beauty. We place plastic oddly proportional shaped woman as the epitome of sex. And as we strive to get the average female to fit into these categories, we become increasingly obese and deformed.
We buy these unrealistic stories of romance and marriage. Then when the relationships in our own lives fail to measure up to the ones we try to model, divorce and partner swapping occurs. We go from person to person searching for the impossible.
People are flawed. They have scars and pimples, large asses, small breasts, fading hairlines...and that is the reality. Not the airbrush 13 year old on the magazine cover. Not the movie character on the screen. But the people you encounter daily...with the 7 year old car, out of date hair cut and slightly stained teeth. The people whose clothes don't always match, don't always have a smile on their faces and tend to get on your nerves just as much as they tend to warm your heart.
So what do people like me do? When the idea of a perfect man is Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall...not his looks but his magnetism...strong and determined, passionate and sexy, yet forever loyal and loving towards his family. When questioned about my "type", a list of characteristics are rattled off that not any one person could possibly ever possess.
I watch the people around me with their flaws and obvious imperfections. While I tend to adore being around men, I do not always care for the things that amuse them. Passing gas or any other bathroom related act does not entertain me. The radio talk show host I mentioned earlier is a 44 year old male with a very adolescent sense of humor. He enjoys passing gas anally and orally. He is fascinated by the ritual behaviors of others as they tend to their bodily functions. He dates women much younger than himself and finds humiliating them on the air appropriate. And while he feigns that this is merely "an act" for his show, I still cannot get passed the fact that while he may not be like this 24/7 a part of him does behave this or not.
So I suffer with the inner desire for a companion that mirrors the societal perfection that does not exist. And when most of the time that desire is subdued by the ability to lose myself in the fantasy world, occasionally the emptiness of my life and bed inflame it. Where I surround myself with movies, shows, books, and stories containing that perfected companion, the inability to experience it in the flesh becomes unbearable.
So what is the answer? Hell if I know. It may not be healthy and it certainly may not be a way for one to live their life but I just wait until the moment passes. When I can once again be content with just the fantasy.