I found out some VERY disturbing news today. Before I explain, let me give you some background info first.
Excerpt from I Survived Christmas Oh-Five (posted Monday, December 26, 2005)
Shortly after the Thanksgiving holidays, one of my co-workers began planning our work crew's Christmas celebration. She sent out emails asking if and how many people would like to participate in a secret Santa or white elephant (also known as Chinese Christmas) gift exchange. She planned a menu and also decided on what kind of group gift we should give our two bosses. She formed a committee where I and another crew member were involuntarily volunteered to participate. Then she went out on disability.
This left me and the other person to execute her plans. It was decided that not only would we celebrate the upcoming December holidays but also all the December birthdays as well. A deadline was given as to when each crew member that wanted to participate in a group gift to the bosses needed to have their money turned in (which happened to fall on the Monday after payday). These decisions were made by the other co-worker and the one on disability. Then the other member of the party planning committee went out sick.
With all the plans made it was left up to me to execute them. I typed up a list for the "spread" to pass around for everyone to sign up for what items they planned on bringing. I went to each co-worker and shook them down for their group gift money. And I got everyone's money too. I was nicknamed "The Enforcer" and joked that I could be a collector for the Mafia.
I answered any and all questions in regards to the plans and details of the upcoming festivities. And tried my best to keep everything organized and on track while the other two members of the so-called planning committee were away........
Okay, the names of the two co-workers I mentioned are Mo-Mo and Ghetto Queen (of course not really, just names I am providing for this post). Anyway, Mo-Mo is the planner of all crew invents. She always has been and she is great at it. I usually just help because I am not very good at that sort of thing. So Mo-Mo made all the plans regarding the crew's December celebrations. So she, Ghetto Queen, and I were the December party planning committee. But then unexpectedly Mo-Mo went out on disability for health reasons, leaving me & Ghetto Queen to execute her plans. Are we all caught up now? GOOD!
What I did not mention in my blog back in December is the controversy that came about during the whole December crew festivities. Ghetto Queen was to buy the bosses' gift cards. She was to stop by Mo-Mo's house and pick up her money and then go and buy the gift cards. Well, Ghetto Queen told me and a few others that she didn't put her portion in since it was such a hassle getting the gift cards and that she bought two $5 holiday cards (for the crew to sign and put the gift cards in) at the register of one of the department stores instead of going someplace cheaper. When the holiday cards were passed around, one of my male co-workers mentioned that they didn't look (nor say on the back of them) like $5 cards. So I had no idea how much the bosses' gift cards ending up being. I know what I had collected, but I didn't know if she ended up collecting Mo-Mo's money or not. This should have been my first clue.
Well, today Mo-Mo and I were talking about Ghetto Queen being out ill again from work. She is one of those people that is always out from work with one ailment or another. Usually the ailments are bullshit, but if she can find a doctor to say they are true there is nothing the company can do about it.
Anyway, Mo-Mo said she found out something about Ghetto Queen, but didn't want to tell me because she said I would get mad. Eventually she told me and I was beyond mad. Actually, I don't think there is an appropriate word to express how upset I was. It seems that Ghetto Queen pocketed some of the money I collected at Christmas from our co-workers for the bosses' gifts.
I asked Mo-Mo when and how she found this out. She said that someone told her about it two weeks ago. That Ghetto Queen had been bragging about it. That Hoochie Mama (another co-worker from a different department) had told Ghetto Queen she better be careful.
I explained to Mo-Mo how much money I actually collected. Since we didn't know how much the gift cards were, we couldn't know for sure how much money, if any, Ghetto Queen pocketed. The more I mentioned how much I collected, the more curious Mo-Mo became. So, she went and asked Dilbert and Ms. S how much their gift cards were. Turns out the bitch pocketed $100 of the money! Mo-Mo was in tears. I was homicidal.
My co-workers trusted me when they gave me their money. And this c**t (yeah I am pulling out the big cuss words) violated that trust. She lied to and took advantage of me and our entire work crew. She also made us look cheap to our bosses. Plus the fact that she laughed and bragged about getting away with it makes things worse. I swear if she was there today, ghetto or not I would have confronted her sorry ass. SHE STOLE FROM US! And I'm sorry but I don't take that shit lightly.
Mo-Mo asked me to keep the situation quiet. I reluctantly agreed but had already began telling one of our co-workers about it before she asked me not to. I hinted around until he finally guessed it since he refused to let me stop telling him the story. He stated that Ghetto Queen is nothing but a hustler and he was not all that surprised.
One my way home, I called Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) and told him everything. We work together in the same crew and I needed someone else to vent to. He laughed and said we had all learned our lesson. None of us will ever trust her again. That doesn't make me feel any better.
Mo-Mo told me to trust in God. I said I wish Ghetto Queen would wear RED in her neighborhood and see what happens. (She claims she doesn't wear red cause that's a "Bloods" color and she lives in a "Crypts" area.) I know I shouldn't wish ill will towards anyone, but she has gone too far.
I believe in Karma. What goes around really does eventually come back around. And I can't wait to witness what's coming to her. In the meantime, I got to figure out how to let these feelings of anger and betrayal go. It's not healthy for me.
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