Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Betrayed - Part 2

Today has been one big ole stressful situation for me. To begin with we had our celebration today for the crew's July birthdays. I had traded shifts with one of my co-workers so I was working later than usual today. Anyway, since I had one of the key ingredients for the "spread" (I swear all we do is eat!) with me, I arrived at work 2 hours early so that they could have my portion in time for the beginning of the festivities. I dropped my stuff off with Mo-Mo and went across the street to shop at Wal-Mart and the Dollar Store (yep, they' re really across the street along with several other stores and restaurants, very convenient and also dangerous). I needed to pick up a gift for one of the people whose birthday we were celebrating.

Anyway, shortly after I returned to work, Mo-Mo called me on my desk phone and asked me why Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) had confronted Hoochie Mama about what we had talked about yesterday. I was floored. I admitted to her that I told Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) in confidence and had no idea he was going to come in and say anything. I explained that I was highly upset and needed to vent to someone about the situation.

I asked Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) why he said anything. That what I told him was in confidence and that I trusted him not to say anything. He told me to that I should never tell him anything like that again and then I won't have to worry about him telling others. I told him I had a plan to confront Ghetto Queen about the situation. He apologized for blowing my plans.

Hoochie Mama ended up asking me how her name got brought up in this mess since she knew nothing about it until today. I explained what I had said & how I felt. I apologized for bringing her into the mess and it was never my intention. She told me that it was all news to her and that there really wasn't anything we could do about it anyway. I needed to chalk it up to a lesson learned and get over it. I told her Mo-Mo said to leave it in God's hands and that they both were right. But it is so much easier said than done.

The rest of the day was strained between Mo-Mo & me and Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) & me. I feel bad. I told Mo-Mo I wouldn't tell anyone and I did anyway. Then I was upset with Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) not really because he blabbed, but because it put me in an awkward position when he did. But I shouldn't feel bad. I did nothing wrong except lie to Mo-Mo about keeping quiet. I didn't steal from anyone! And why are we keeping quiet? Doesn't everyone else in the crew need to know?

I was so glad when my work shift ended today. I have enough drama in my personal life without adding work thieves and strained relationships with co-workers on top of it.

I have the next 2 days off from work. Hopefully a little distance will help clarify how I should proceed. Wish me luck!


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