Friday, January 13, 2006


My PC is now sick. Last night I tried to use it and it kept rebooting itself. It would go through the usual routine and then all of sudden bring up an error message. Shortly afterwards a smaller window would appear saying it needed to reboot in 30+ seconds. It just kept doing this over and over again. I was finally able to shut it down instead of it rebooting for the umpteenth time. I am now having to use my laptop.

I told Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) about my PC problems. He told me to bring it to him to look at it. He is a computer fanatic. He has like 20 computers or some such nonsense at his house (okay it is more like 8). And every time I turn around he has his eye on purchasing another one.

So I disconnected my PC, put the system in a large Old Navy bag, and hauled it up to work. Not exactly a light item. So hopefully Joe will have it fixed and working properly by Monday. If not I still have my laptop to tide me over. But I got to thinking. Did my PC get sick from me?

I know that my sinus infection was caused by my allergies and not something contagious, but it just seems so odd that my PC became sick the same time I did. Yeah, I know. I sound crazy. And maybe it is the lack of sleep and the drugs that has me contemplating such strange things. But I have also watched enough strange phenomenon on television that I cannot up and totally dismiss the possibility. Besides, I saw Stephen King's Maximum Overdrive. And we all know that Stephen King is so intuitive.

My doctor suggested I go back to my cardio and weight training. One, cause I have gained some weight (stupid holidays) and two, cause I was a lot less stressed and happier when I was on a routine exercise program. So last night I started looking for an elliptical machine. I ended up on and they have some reasonably priced machines. I contemplated joining another gym, but I got such the run around last time I belonged to one. Between the crooked trainers, the questionable staff, and then the change in ownership I was totally turned against gyms all together. And they are usually just a meat market for picking people up anyway. :-( Not interested!

Wouldn't it be cool if you could send your computer to a gym? Bulk it up so it has more of a natural resistance to viruses and whatnot? What? That is what Mac Afee and Norton are for? Whatever! I like the image of my computer struggling to lift weights. TWO MORE...ONE MORE!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's "phenomena" when plural.

1/15/2006 08:00:00 PM  
Blogger Camlaw said...

For Chris:
And you wonder why you are STILL single...

For Decayed Rebirth:
I agree with you, Sid. DAMN THE MAN!

1/16/2006 06:48:00 PM  

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