Thursday, December 29, 2005

I HATE....

I HATE moody fucking people. The sad thing is I am pretty moody myself. I try to be understanding, but it just drains the hell out of ya'.

And the severely moody need a serious ass kicking. I try to give them a little time to get their shit together. I even warn them. "You got until X amount of time and then you need to snap out of it."

I work with a very moody guy. One minute he's all smiles and giddy, the next he's angry and bitchy and miserable to be around. Usually this happened when he would try to multi-task or if things did not work exactly as he thought they should. When we were on the same shift, I would give him a couple of hours. Then if his bad mood continued, I would give him that little warning. Most of the time it worked because I don't think he realized what an ass he was being.

Today I was talking to homophobic narrow-minded person. I am sure I said or did something to annoy him. But instead of just saying, "look you are getting on my last nerve" he is acting all moody and distant. Which I guess in his mind is nicer than telling me to fuck off.

Hell, I know I can be overbearing. And I can certainly work a nerve without meaning to. But I like people to be honest with me. He should say, "Look, you are annoying the fuck out of me. How about I call you when I am ready to talk again?" But then again that is more of what a woman might do instead of a man.

The funny thing is most of the moody people I encounter happen to be the same astrological sign as I am. Not that I follow astrology closely or anything, but I think it has some merit. The only other person I ever knew that was more moody than an Aries was my friend that was a Cancer. Man, she would go from one extreme to another with no kind of warning.

So I guess I will give homophobic narrow-minded person some space. Let him call me when he decides I am worth his time. I chase no one...well except maybe Oliver. But then no one else!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, you are annoying the fuck out of me. How about I call you when I am ready to talk again?

12/30/2005 01:44:00 AM  
Blogger Camlaw said...

Was that so fucking difficult? I did not think so!

12/30/2005 07:21:00 AM  

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