Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Hello. My Name Is Camlaw And...

I am an addict. Not in the traditional sense mind you. I don't drink and have never done illegal drugs. But I have my addictions just the same. Caffeine, Little Debbie Snacks, Sudoku, Yahoo What Word game...the list just goes on and on. I know you guys are thinking that these are lame things to be addicted to, but trust me they can be just as costly and dangerous as the usual addictions.

I am sick again. I went to the doctor today and was informed I have a minor sinus infection. Damn allergies! Have missed the last 2 days of work over this crap. But anyway that is not the point. On my way home, I stopped at the Best Buy because the fifth/final season of Queer As Folk was scheduled to be released today. Here I am. I have a sore chest, runny nose, crazy head ache...roaming the aisles determined to get my copy of one of my favorite shows. I asked 2 different clerks, waited forever for them to search the entire store for a copy. None could be found. I left the store upset and determined to find out what the hell was going on.

I stopped next door at Pets Mart and got Oliver some cat food. I had ran out last night and he was not happy this morning when I had no wet food to give him. He would not let me rest until he got his wet food. He isn't spoiled. Nope. Not at all.

Anyway, I immediately got online (well after I fed Oliver first) to research the whereabouts of QAF. Seems the release date has been changed to May 9th. WHAT THE ??? And on top of that, there is no mention of extras being part of this final season. Talk about some irate fans. You gonna shell out $80+ (yeah, you read right) for the DVDs and not have any extras? They better use that extended time to throw some extras on there. DAMMIT! I mean seeing my favorite guys naked and the constant penis parade is a good incentive to buy it already, but I want more.

So what about this ordeal makes me an addict? Uh hello?! I am SICK and still at the store looking for something that is surely going to be there later when I am well. I walked the ENTIRE store then asked 2 clerks for assistance. I got online to research where the DVDs are and now I have a count down to the new release date. Oh I didn't mention that part? Well...um...anyway.

It's like when I scrounge around work looking for 85 cents to buy myself a coke out of the machine. "I only got 62 cents. Can anyone loan me the remaining 23 cents? Anyone? Come on. A nickel? Dime? Hello?"

Or when I spend hours playing the Yahoo What Word online game determined to get to the highest level, whatever the hell that is. Or that I have Sudoku books all over my apartment and at my desk at work so I can play it no matter where I am. Or when I wake at 3AM craving a Little Debbie oatmeal creme pie and raid my pantry til I find one.

And don't even get in my way when I need my fix, when my mind is set to fulfill my latest craving or longing no matter what the cost. Cause I may not only cut you, but mutilate and possibly kill you if you stand in my way. Not a threat. Just a warning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello You... remember me from work... you "ababndoned" your best 2 evening buds @ the NOC... I was 'D' and he was 'B'

1/12/2006 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I applaud your courage for coming forward with the addictions you mentioned, but I'm sad to say that you've left out your most destructive addiction... YOU KNOW.

1/12/2006 10:31:00 PM  
Blogger Camlaw said...

Dale, I have not forgotten about you and Beau at the NOC. If I remember correctly you guys were supposed to come to days at the the first of the year anyway. What happened to that?

Chris, I have NO idea what "destructive addiction" you are referring to. Crazy Republican!

1/13/2006 11:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camlaw... No we were messing with the boss on the whole days thing.. It was a bit to harass the masses!! would like to hear from ya agian.. email me.. you have it

1/15/2006 11:28:00 AM  

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