Sunday, February 26, 2006


Last night on my way home from work I stopped at Shell and filled up my gas tank. I was walking around my car to see if the rain washed off the dirty birds' shit. That's when I discovered it. SOMEONE KEYED MY NEW CAR!!!! I was shocked. I have not even had this car a month and some jealous mother fucker has keyed it. I immediately called Joe.

Joe (a.k.a. gay boyfriend) has been jokingly threatening to key my car since I got it. Well, I informed him that someone beat him to the punch. The scratch goes from most of the front passenger's door to all the way across the rear passenger's door. I am not sure how deep it is. I hope it isn't too deep and can be buffed out. Man I ain't even made my first car payment.

Why would someone fuck with my car? Joe seems to think it was probably done by kids since it sounds like it wasn't too deep. If it was some one wanting revenge it would have been deep and to the metal. I am not sure when it happened but whoever did it I pray Karma gets their ass. I strongly believe that what goes around comes around. And I hope whoever did this pays dearly.


Blogger Camlaw said...

I was really angry when I first found the scratch. Now I am just sad. I do not have the stomach to look it in the day light yet.

I am driving the green car for a while. Something tells me I will feel better and safer in it for now. I know that sounds silly, but I guess I am mourning somewhat.

I know it is just a car, but it was something nice that I finally had and someone decided to trash it. I know it could be worse, but damn....

2/28/2006 12:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know how you feel.. a few months after I bought my current truck, someone broke into it, damaging the passenger side door in the process. I felt violated, and angry at the world. Then, a couple of months after that, a rock hit my windshield while I was driving and put a crack in it that went all the way across. I decided not to get either of those fixed, because I figured if I did, something else would happen. This way, it's easier because I don't have to give a shit.

2/28/2006 12:46:00 AM  
Blogger Camlaw said...

That is sad! But I did that once with a car I had in college. I bought this bad ass radio/cd player to fit in my Subaru LX. Well, the installers destroyed my dash while installing it. Then less than 2 weeks after buying it and having it installed, my car was broken in to and the radio/cd player was stolen. Of course the dash looked even worse now that the cd player was gone. I decided right then to never put another stereo in my car. If it did not come with the vehicle initially, I did not need it. Ain't had any of my cars broken in to since.

It is a shame though that you have to do without in order to appease the jealous and envious assholes. I know that in some way it protects you, but it also punishes you too.

Hey, I just realized that the crack in the Tracer's windshield must have really made you feel at home huh?

2/28/2006 07:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrie has been neglecting her blogging duties.... tsk, tsk.

4/20/2006 03:47:00 PM  

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