Friday, February 17, 2006

Camlaw Financial

Welcome to Camlaw Financial. Where you are guaranteed a loan that you are not required to pay back. If you do choose to pay back your loan, there is no interest or penalties associated. Here at Camlaw Financial our motto is: How can our customers screw us over?!

I am tired...emotionally tired that is. My family drives me insane. My mother came over yesterday morning and woke me up. She informed me that my sister is not happy with her car. She is calling it a piece. My mother said that they went and had the serpentine belt replaced and was told the brakes needed to be replaced. They were quoted $350 and told they had a month or so before it was completely necessary. That of course is for a regular driver, not a crazy heavy footed teenager.

So I called in to work and then went to see what we could do about getting the brakes fixed. I took it to Just Brakes and they quoted me $650+. Seems they were worse off than we thought. The mechanic showed me the holes, leaks, metal to metal pads and rusted rotors. So I went ahead and okayed the repairs. Luckily my friend finally paid me the money she owed me and we received a bonus at work allowing me to afford it.

Well, they ended up having to keep the car overnight. My sister had to borrow my mother's car again to attend school. My mother was not happy. She kept complaining about her own brakes making noises. I told my mother as a gift to my sister I would pay to have her speakers replaced in the car, since they were pretty bad off. When I tried to explain this to my sister after school, my mother kept interrupting me. I asked her to shush and let me finish speaking (in a very friendly manner). Well, my mother responded with, "What makes you think you are so special that everyone must cower down to you?"

I became livid. I asked them both to leave and told my sister that I would talk to her later. As soon as they left I went to my computer and sent my mother the following email:

You really pissed me off tonight. The comment you made about me thinking I am so important that everyone should cower to me was totally uncalled for and completely off base. As much as I have done for both you and Christina and you have the nerve to say that to me?! Hell, tonight alone I bought you dinner and filled up your gas tank. Did you even thank me? NO!

You talk about how ungrateful Christina is, that she expects things to be handed to her and does not appreciate the things we do for her, but you are EXACTLY the same way. I listened to you gripe about Christina using your car. I found a car for her. Now it needs a few repairs. I am taking care of that. And instead of being happy that I am helping out, you act jealous because your car is not getting the attention. It is like no matter what I do, you are not happy. You always got to find something to gripe about.

Once the brakes are fixed and the speakers are replaced in Christina's car, I am done. I am not bending over backwards for you guys any more. Both of you need to grow up and stop expecting me to do things for you. Since you feel that my treatment towards you is so unfair, try life without my generosity. I got my own problems and bills to attend to.

My mother responded with:

I apologize; I was out of line. (In explanation I was not finished talking, but I was mad at being reprimanded of interrupting you by Christina.) I said something about you when I was really mad at her! You have done a lot for Christina and me. Thank you for the gasoline and dinner! I was embarrassed always having to do for us! Always having to buy for us!

I am mad about her brakes being fixed because she messed up my brakes! I am very grateful you are paying for her brakes! She needs it the way she drives! I can hear something is wrong with my brakes. I go slow so I did not feel it but I can hear it. I had my brakes done once a long time ago! She drives so bad and brakes so hard. I do not have the money now to get my brakes done. I was hoping to finish school and get a job after May and be able to pay for my brakes. I want to do a lot to my car after May! Please let me take you out to dinner or at least buy you dinner when I get a job after May! I don't know if I am going to grow up. Maybe when I get a job after 18 years I will feel whole again. I still have trouble with my legs, have a crazy eye and take medicine everyday but I will feel better when I can pay for things! Yes, I do find something to gripe about because I do not do the child thing of being taken care of very well! When I start working again maybe I will feel like an adult again. I am just a grumpy old lady!

You need to take care of your bills and problems! Put yourself first for once! Stop worrying about us! You have done enough!!!!!!!

Can Chris (your friend from work) help you but the elliptical together? Can you ask him to help you? I think you will let it sit on the floor if you do not get help!

I am very sorry. Please forgive my silly mouth!
Love Mom

I accepted my mother's apology. I have already had a problem with friends taking my generosity for granted, and now it looks like my family is the same way. I keep thinking that I should do unto others as I would have them do unto me. However, I keep surrounding myself with users and selfish individuals. Where are the other people like me????


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I thought I was a good friend of yours...why is it that you have had this for almost a year, and I just now found out about it? And missy, you have some explaining to do about why I have to read about your life instead of hearing from you directly. I may be busy, but I have time for you ya know...very interesting stuff... love ya

2/24/2006 08:43:00 PM  
Blogger Camlaw said...

Sorry Margie. Sometimes it is easier to type out how I am feeling and what is going on in my life than talking about it one on one.

Sid, I know what you mean about being stepped on. Sometimes I wish I could stop being so generous but that would be going against my nature. It is hard accepting the fact that my efforts go unappreciated for the most part. I need to learn to stop expecting things from others. That way I cannot get hurt as much.

2/27/2006 11:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, quit your griping. Your Mom had it right the first time-- you just think you're Ms. Important. Suck it up and accept your place in life-- to give money to others, and not recieve anything in return. Quit being selfish and expecting gratitude!


2/28/2006 01:06:00 AM  

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