Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Dangers of Voting...

So today was election day. Unfortunately, my voting experience was not a pleasant one. Had one of the issues not been an important one to me, I would have given up trying to vote. Let's start at the beginning shall we.

First of all, I stayed up too late watching all the taped episodes I had of Prison Break. I am so behind on all my show watching and that is one show I am finally caught up on. Anyway, I overslept and did not get over to vote as early as I had hoped.

Second of all, when I finally got there they did not have me listed as supposed to be voting at that particular location. I ran home to get my voting card I received in the mail stating that I was. Well, in my haste I ended up accidentally leaving my wallet at home, so I had to come home a second time to get my wallet. I eventually ended up taking 2 hours off from work by this point because I definitely wanted to get my vote in. So by the third time I was up there, the lines began getting long.

Third of all, they were holding the voting in this tiny room used for detention instead of the school library or the gym. Anyway, to help speed the process along they were going through the line calling out specific letters like G thru L or M thru S. Well, I fall into the M thru S category as did the guy behind me, so we followed the person to the front of the line and placed our votes.

When I began to leave, this soccer mom mouthed something about me cutting in line. I ignored her as I approached the exit door. Next thing I know she stated something along the lines of "but then I don't expect you people to follow the rules." Well, that went all over me. You people? YOU PEOPLE? What the fuck did that mean?

So there I was, already short tempered as it was because I had been back & forth trying to just vote. Now I got some mouthy bitch complaining about me cutting in line (which is just plain stupid) and then making prejudice remarks (which is just plain ignorant). Needless to say, I got very loud and confrontational. I know I called her a bigoted bitch and asked to see her KKK membership card, but other than that I am not particularly sure what other remarks I made towards her.

We were asked to step outside and then she began demanding that someone call the police because she was "assaulted". I started to leave and she yelled that she would have me charged with leaving a crime or running from a crime or some such awful terminology. So I called my boss and said I may not make it to work because I could be going to jail.

The police finally arrived and took her statement first since she was the one to call. She claimed she was "assaulted" and "feared for her life." He then asked me my side of the story and I explained that I was provoked but only had a heated argument with her, nothing more. So the officer asked both of us if I hit her...NOPE...did I charge towards her...NOPE...did I threaten bodily harm towards her...NOPE. Well, he concluded that there was nothing he could do legally about the situation and suggested we go our separate ways.

So I was an hour late to work where I relayed my story (much to their delight) to my co-workers. They said leave it to me to get in a knock down drag out while I was voting. Hey, I only have so much patience. She was soo lucky I did not clock her ass.

The conclusion of my evening contained the news report that the one item that I had voted on was approved despite its obvious civil rights violations. Those of you in my state know that one of the hottest issues this election day was Proposition 2, the marriage amendment. It was passed by a 3 to 1 voting. I was so devastated. Joe (aka gay boyfriend) told me that it would pass, but I refused to give up hope.

I just cannot believe I am surrounded by such homophobic, narrow minded people! It is such a black and white issue to me. Marriage, according to the law, is a binding contract. It has to be witnessed and mailed off to be established and taken to a court of law to be dissolved. You can call it a marriage, a union, a partnership. Does not matter what you call it, it is simply a contract.

Marriage as a religious term is defined as a ceremony performed in the face of God pledging eternal love and commitment between a man and a woman. That is great. Leave it in the religious realm. But DO NOT create laws pushing your religious beliefs onto society as a whole. That is why we have the separation of church and state.

Next thing you know there will be laws that prevent me from eating meat on Fridays or eating pork at any time. I will not be allowed to dance, or drink, or use birth control. I will have to fast certain times of the year and follow a vow of silence during other times. When I am on my period I will be shunned from the village and kept in a isolated hut. If I have a child out of wedlock I will be stoned to death. The list just goes on and on.

I know you are thinking that this is ridiculous and that my fears are absurd. But are they really? Every one of these examples are taken from different religious beliefs. The first amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In my opinion, Proposition 2 violates this law. Texas is allowing a law to be passed that is based on specific religions' beliefs. I should start up my own religion tomorrow. Have one of my beliefs be the ability of people to love who they want to love despite age, sex, or race. Then these state amendments not only violate human rights, but certain religious rights as well. Then I could fight the legality of this law and hopefully kill it before it can be implemented.
You know, I may just do that...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hogwash. The ammendment doesn't say no law can be passed that is based on a certain religion's beliefs. If a majority of voters want a law that happens to agree with a certain religion's beliefs, then so be it. I assume you're referring to Catholicism here, although it's certainly not the only religion represented in America which prohibits gay marriage. This ammendment prevents gay marriage as a state sanctioned union-- gays are free to do as they wish within their own church. Next argument?

11/09/2005 05:29:00 AM  
Blogger Kyle said...

only you could get into a fight while voting....lol....your so abusive...supprise you did not come off it after kiccking that (probably) pasty white/kkk/members ASS..Personaly I dont thinl you did anything wrong...

Ride for the ride not the destination....

11/11/2005 09:16:00 PM  

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